Title: SETD2 Restricts Prostate Cancer Metastasis by Integrating EZH2 and AMPK Signaling Pathways
Author: Huairui Yuan, Ying Han, Xuege Wang, Ni Li, Qiuli Liu, Yuye Yin, Hanling Wang, Lulu Pan, Li Li, Kun Song, Tong Qiu, Qiang Pan, Qilong Chen, Guoying Zhang, Yi Zang, Minjia Tan, Jian Zhang, Qintong Li, Xiaoming Wang, Jun Jiang, Jun Qin
Issue&Volume: 2020-07-02
Abstract: The level of SETD2-mediated H3K36me3 is inversely correlated with that of EZH2-catalyzedH3K27me3. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether these two enzymatic activitiesare molecularly intertwined. Here, we report that SETD2 delays prostate cancer (PCa)metastasis via its substrate EZH2. We show that SETD2 methylates EZH2 which promotesEZH2 degradation. SETD2 deficiency induces a Polycomb-repressive chromatin state thatenables cells to acquire metastatic traits. Conversely, mice harboring nonmethylatedEZH2 mutant or SETD2 mutant defective in binding to EZH2 develop metastatic PCa. Furthermore,we identify that metformin-stimulated AMPK signaling converges at FOXO3 to stimulateSETD2 expression. Together, our results demonstrate that the SETD2-EZH2 axis integratesmetabolic and epigenetic signaling to restrict PCa metastasis.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2020.05.022